Western Field Studies

Day 32 - July 23, 1996

Today's journal is written by Mr. Steig:

It was a peculiar site this morning when I woke up. Our group was spread out on spots of grass, cement slabs, and picnic tables in a wayside somewhere east of Albert Lea. We had all agreed we would not drive all night but somehow it wound up being pretty dark, and pretty late when we crashed at the wayside. I went around to wake up what I knew would be a rather grumpy bunch, but like troopers there was no real complaining and before you knew it we were back on the road. Our marathon driving paid off as we rolled through the hills of western Wisconsin and arrived at Yellowstone Lake State Park. There was still plenty of daylight left and many of the group went swimming in the lake and caught up on showers near our campsite. You could start to see the finality of this trip take over in the actions and behaviors of the trip members. There were hugs, and T-shirts to sign, groups were sharing big batches of spaghetti, and getting in those last minute bonding kinda things. I set the quiet time an hour later and as things wound down around the campfire, some of the girls sang a song for the group about being together, friendship, and missing each other. A couple of the students remarked about how the early weeks of the trip had been wasted on insignificant things when now they wished it would last a little longer. Before long we realized our adventure was still going strong as a storm rolled in over unprotected sleeping bags and duffels. Instead of sharing their last "goodnight", many scrambled to set up tents or cover up in their tarps. It rained. Day 32 and the adventure, though near an end, continues.

Note: Journal entries and snapshots will be updated one day after they occur.
Additional Note: Once again we apologize for the lag in our updates. We are finding that high technology, roughing it, and a stingy National Park policy make it difficult to modify and make connections on a regular basis. Thanks for sticking with us despite these delays. Galen and Luke.

Snapshots From Day 32

Sarah Christensen gives her report on the continental divide - in Wisconsin!

The group watches on as Sarah gives her report.

Sarah Gaither gives her report on ecosystems around the world.

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